Source code for

# Pylm, a framework to build components for high performance distributed
# applications. Copyright (C) 2016 NFQ Solutions
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from import Router
from pylm.persistence.kv import DictDB
from import PalmMessage
import concurrent.futures
import traceback
import logging
import sys

[docs]class ServerTemplate(object): """ Low-level tool to build a server from parts. :param logging_level: A correct logging level from the logging module. Defaults to INFO. It has important attributes that you may want to override, like :cache: The key-value database that the server should use :logging_level: Controls the log output of the server. :router: Here's the router, you may want to change its attributes too. """ def __init__(self, logging_level=logging.INFO, router_messages=sys.maxsize): # Name of the server = '' # Logging level for the server self.logging_level = logging_level # Basic Key-value database for storage self.cache = DictDB() self.inbound_components = {} self.outbound_components = {} self.bypass_components = {} # Basic console logging self.logger = logging.getLogger( handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') ) self.logger.addHandler(handler) self.logger.setLevel(self.logging_level) # Finally, the router self.router = Router(logger=self.logger, cache=self.cache, messages=router_messages)
[docs] def register_inbound(self, part, name='', listen_address='', route='', block=False, log='', **kwargs): """ Register inbound part to this server. :param part: part class :param name: Name of the part :param listen_address: Valid ZeroMQ address listening to the exterior :param route: Outbound part it routes to :param block: True if the part blocks waiting for a response :param log: Log message in DEBUG level for each message processed. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the part """ # Inject the server cache in case it is not configured for the component if 'cache' not in kwargs: kwargs['cache'] = self.cache instance = part(name, listen_address, broker_address=self.router.inbound_address, logger=self.logger, **kwargs) self.router.register_inbound(name, route=route, block=block, log=log) self.inbound_components[name] = instance
[docs] def register_outbound(self, part, name='', listen_address='', route='', log='', **kwargs): """ Register outbound part to this server :param part: part class :param name: Name of the part :param listen_address: Valid ZeroMQ address listening to the exterior :param route: Outbound part it routes the response (if there is) to :param log: Log message in DEBUG level for each message processed :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the part """ # Inject the server cache in case it is not configured for the component if 'cache' not in kwargs: kwargs['cache'] = self.cache instance = part(name, listen_address, broker_address=self.router.outbound_address, logger=self.logger, **kwargs) self.router.register_outbound(name, route=route, log=log) self.outbound_components[name] = instance
[docs] def register_bypass(self, part, name='', listen_address='', **kwargs): """ Register a bypass part to this server :param part: part class :param name: part name :param listen_address: Valid ZeroMQ address listening to the exterior :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the part """ # Inject the server cache in case it is not configured for the component if 'cache' not in kwargs: kwargs['cache'] = self.cache instance = part(name, listen_address, logger=self.logger, **kwargs) self.bypass_components[name] = instance
[docs] def preset_cache(self, **kwargs): """ Send the following keyword arguments as cache variables. Useful for configuration variables that the workers or the clients fetch straight from the cache. :param kwargs: """ for arg, val in kwargs.items(): if type(val) == str: self.cache.set(arg, val.encode('utf-8')) else: self.cache.set(arg, val)
[docs] def start(self): """ Start the server with all its parts. """ threads = []"Starting the router") threads.append(self.router.start) for name, part in self.inbound_components.items():"Starting inbound part {}".format(name)) threads.append(part.start) for name, part in self.outbound_components.items():"Starting outbound part {}".format(name)) threads.append(part.start) for name, part in self.bypass_components.items():"Starting bypass part {}".format(name)) threads.append(part.start) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(threads)) as executor: results = [executor.submit(thread) for thread in threads] for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(results): try: future.result() except Exception as exc: self.logger.error('This is critical, one of the parts died') lines = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()) for line in lines: self.logger.error(line.strip('\n'))
class BaseMaster(object): @staticmethod def change_payload(message: PalmMessage, new_payload: bytes) -> PalmMessage: """ Change the payload of the message :param message: The binary message to be processed :param new_payload: The new binary payload :return: Serialized message with the new payload """ message.payload = new_payload return message def scatter(self, message: PalmMessage): """ Scatter function for inbound messages :param message: Binary message :return: Yield none, one or multiple binary messages """ yield message def gather(self, message: PalmMessage): """ Gather function for outbound messages :param message: Binary message :return: Yield none, one or multiple binary messages """ yield message def handle_stream(self, message: PalmMessage): """ Handle the stream of messages. :param message: The message about to be sent to the next step in the cluster :return: topic (str) and message (PalmMessage) The default behaviour is the following. If you leave this function unchanged and pipeline is set to False, the topic is the ID of the client, which makes the message return to the client. If the pipeline parameter is set to True, the topic is set as the name of the server and the step of the message is incremented by one. You can alter this default behaviour by overriding this function. Take into account that the message is also available in this function, and you can change other parameters like the stage or the function. """ if self.pipelined: # If the master is pipelined, topic = message.stage += 1 else: topic = message.client return topic, message