Source code for

# Pylm, a framework to build components for high performance distributed
# applications. Copyright (C) 2016 NFQ Solutions
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from import Inbound, Outbound
from import zmq_context
from pylm.persistence.kv import DictDB
from import PalmMessage
from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
from socketserver import ThreadingMixIn
from uuid import uuid4
import traceback
import zmq
import sys

[docs]class GatewayRouter(Inbound): """ Router that allows a parallel server to connect to multiple clients. It also allows to recv messages from a dealer socket that feeds back the output from the same router. The goal is to provide blocking jobs to multiple clients. :param broker_address: Broker address :param cache: K-v database for the cache :param logger: Logger class :param messages: Number of messages until it is shut down """ def __init__(self, name='gateway_router', listen_address='inproc://gateway_router', broker_address="inproc://broker", cache=DictDB(), logger=None, messages=sys.maxsize): super(GatewayRouter, self).__init__( 'gateway_router', listen_address, zmq.ROUTER, reply=False, broker_address=broker_address, bind=True, cache=cache, logger=logger, messages=messages, ) if name: self.logger.warning('Gateway router part is called "gateway_router",') self.logger.warning('check that you have called this way') def _translate_to_broker(self, message): """ Translate the message that the component has got to be digestible by the router. To be refactored. This method is overriden because it returns the message instead of returning the serialized message. :param message: Message from the component to the router """ message.cache = str(uuid4()) return message
[docs] def start(self): """ Call this function to start the component """ message = PalmMessage() self.listen_to.bind(self.listen_address)'Launch component {}'.format( for i in range(self.messages): self.logger.debug('Component {} blocked waiting messages'.format( response = self.listen_to.recv_multipart() # If the message is from anything but the dealer, send it to the # router. if len(response) == 3: [target, empty, message_data] = response self.logger.debug('{} Got inbound message'.format( try: message.ParseFromString(message_data) for scattered in self.scatter(message): scattered = self._translate_to_broker(scattered) self.logger.debug( 'Component {} blocked waiting for broker'.format( except: self.logger.error('Error in scatter function') lines = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()) self.logger.exception(lines[0]) # This is what's different. The response to be sent from the router # is what it gets from the dealer. elif len(response) == 4 and response[0] == b'dealer': self.listen_to.send_multipart(response[1:])
[docs]class GatewayDealer(Outbound): """ Generic component that connects a REQ socket to the broker, and a socket to an inbound external service. This part is a companion for the gateway router, and has to connect to it to work properly:: -->| v--------------------------------------| |-->Gateway Router ---> |-\ /->| --> *Dealer* --| <--| | \/ | | /\ | Workers -> Inbound -> |-/ \->| --> Outbound --> Workers :param broker_address: ZMQ socket address for the broker, :param logger: Logger instance :param cache: Access to the cache of the server :param messages: Maximum number of inbound messages. Defaults to infinity. """ def __init__(self, name='', listen_address='inproc://gateway_router', broker_address="inproc://broker", cache=None, logger=None, messages=sys.maxsize): = 'gateway_dealer'.encode('utf-8') self.listen_to = zmq_context.socket(zmq.DEALER) self.listen_to.identity = b'dealer' self.bind = False self.listen_address = listen_address = zmq_context.socket(zmq.DEALER) = self.logger = logger self.cache = cache self.messages = messages self.reply = False self.last_message = b'' if name: self.logger.warning('Gateway dealer part is called "gateway_dealer",') self.logger.warning('check that you have called this way') def _translate_from_broker(self, message): """ Translate the message that the component gets from the broker to the output format :param message: """ return message.client, message
[docs] def start(self): """ Call this function to start the component """ message = PalmMessage() self.listen_to.connect(self.listen_address) for i in range(self.messages): self.logger.debug( 'Component {} blocked waiting for broker'.format( [me, message_data] = message.ParseFromString(message_data) self.logger.debug( 'Component {} Got message from broker'.format( target, message = self._translate_from_broker(message) for scattered in self.scatter(message): self.listen_to.send_multipart([target.encode('utf-8'), b'', scattered.SerializeToString()]) self.logger.debug('Component {} sent message'.format('')
[docs]class MyServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer): """Server that handles multiple requests"""
class MyHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): gateway_router_address = 'inproc://gateway_router' logger = None @staticmethod def path_parser(path): """ Function that parses the path to get the function """ function = path.split('/')[1] if function and '.' not in function: function = '.'.join(['_', function]) return function def do_GET(self): socket = zmq_context.socket(zmq.REQ) # This is the identity of the socket and the client. identity = str(uuid4()).encode('utf-8') socket.identity = identity socket.connect(self.gateway_router_address) function = self.path_parser(self.path) if function: message = PalmMessage() message.pipeline = str(uuid4()) message.function = function content_length = self.headers.get('content-length') if content_length: message.payload = else: message.payload = b'No Payload' message.stage = 0 # Uses the same identity as the socket to tell the gateway # router where it has to route to message.client = identity socket.send(message.SerializeToString()) message.ParseFromString(socket.recv()) self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/plain') self.end_headers() else: self.send_response(404) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/plain') self.end_headers() message = b'Not found' self.wfile.write(message.payload) socket.close() return def do_POST(self): """ The two methods work the exact same way """ self.do_GET()
[docs]class HttpGateway(object): """ HTTP Gateway that adapts an HTTP server to a PALM master :param name: Name of the part :param listen_address: Address listening for reentrant messages :param hostname: Hostname for the HTTP server :param port: Port for the HTTP server :param cache: Cache of the master :param logger: Logger class """ def __init__(self, name='', listen_address='inproc://gateway_router', hostname='', port=8888, cache=DictDB(), logger=None): self.handler = MyHandler self.handler.gateway_router_address = listen_address self.handler.logger = logger self.server = MyServer((hostname, port), self.handler) self.logger = logger self.port = port def debug(self):"Starting HTTP gateway") self.server.handle_request() def start(self):"Starting HTTP gateway") self.server.serve_forever()