Clients ======= A client has the mission of being the source, and maybe the sink, of the message pipeline. The capabilities of the clients are related on how the stream of messages is handled, so this section is a short review of all of them. You can find the clients in :py:mod:`pylm.clients`, like :py:class:`pylm.clients.Client`, and they all work in a very similar way. The simplest configuration is to connect the client to the ``db_address`` of a :py:class:`pylm.servers.Server` or a :py:class:`pylm.servers.Master`, with its corresponding ``server_name``. If no other arguments are specified, the client will assume that you want to send all the messages to this server, and also to receive all its output back. There are several examples on how these sockets are managed manually to control the flow of data around the cluster, particularly when there are :py:class:`pylm.servers.Pipeline` and :py:class:`pylm.servers.Hub`. You can see some of the cases in the :ref:`examples` section, in which the ``sub_address`` argument is set as the address of the last server in the pipeline. Another relevant argument is the ``session``, a tag that is added to all the messages in case you need to label them somehow. It is relevant when using the cache of the servers, and it may be useful in some applications. Clients connect to the key-value store of the server they send the message stream. This feature can be used to implement all sorts of algorithms, and it comes handy when one has to communicate the client with the workers with more information that the one that is sent through the messages. A client has therefore the usual functions for the management of key-value stores: :py:meth:`pylm.clients.Client.get`, :py:meth:`pylm.clients.Client.set` and :py:meth:`pylm.clients.Client.delete`. .. note:: The set function reverses the argument order from the usual. The first argument is the value and the second is the key. The reason for that is that you can set a value without the key, and the client generates a random key for you. The two methods that are used to start the execution of a pipeline are :py:meth:`pylm.clients.Client.eval` and :py:meth:`pylm.clients.Client.job`. The former sends only one message, while the latter loops over a generator that produces the message stream. In any case, the message is of the type :py:class:`bytes`. The first argument of these two methods is the function to be called in the server or the succession of servers forming a pipeline. The argument can be therefore a string or a list of string, always formatted as two words: the name of the server and the function, separated by a dot. For instance, if we have a server called *first* connected to a pipeline called *second*, and we want to call the *firstfunction* of the former, and the *secondfunction* of the latter, the first argument will be the following list:: ['first.firstfunction', 'second.secondfunction'] The second argument is the palyoad described previously, while the third argument ``messages`` refers to the number of messages the client has to receive before it exits. If this value is not set, it just stays alive forever waiting for a practically inifinite number of messages. The last argument ``cache`` sets the *cache* field of the message, and it is intended for advanced uses.